• Question: Ten random strangers are going to die. You can only save one of them by killing yourself. Would you do it? How would you choose who to save?

    Asked by elmo97 to Andrew, Marianne on 24 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 24 Jun 2010:

      I suspect that this is the kind of question you get a completely different answer to when you actually arrive in the situation.

      Coolly and dispassionately, sitting in front of my computer, I think to myself: There’s nothing to tie me to these random strangers. I don’t know what sort of people they are. I have people in my life who rely on me and need me. Why should I die in their place?

      If there was some kind of obligation on me, like they were my patients, or I knew them personally or I thought there was a chance we might all survive, then that might change. Who knows what would happen in the heat of the moment?

      I see the trend the questions are taking now the evictions have started… You are really going to miss Andrewm and marianne…Don’t worry about it elmo… Vote andrewl and everything will be fine…! 🙂

    • Photo: Marianne Baker

      Marianne Baker answered on 24 Jun 2010:

      Not enough information elmo97! Why are they going to die? How?

      Only save one of ten, but kill myself in the process?
      Unless the one is a child, I think my instinct would be to save myself – since it’s one life lost to save one, it makes more sense to keep your own :/

      I like to think I’m pretty selfless but in a life&death situation,I think the survival instinct is strong.
      Unless you have real reason to save someone (e.g. they’re a loved one or a child; we tend to see more value in saving children because they haven’t done as much living as us and they’re our future – even if it doesn’t make sense [thinking I, Robot here and Will Smith’s desire for the drowning girl to be savedetc. – no more spoilers!]) you probably won’t.

      I think that’s the harsh truth! Esp if you know your impending death will be painful :/

    • Photo: Andrew Maynard

      Andrew Maynard answered on 24 Jun 2010:

      Hi elmo97,

      Depends. If I knew nothing about the ten people and I never met them face to face, then probably not. But it would depend on the circumstances.

      The most important factor in my decision would be my family – because of the relationships there and how my death wold affect my wife, kids, parents, brothers and sisters etc, I don’t think I have the right to decide on my own whether I die or not – especially if there was no clear justification in me dying over someone else.

      But you never know…
