• Question: What kind of things do you enjoy doing outside of your work?

    Asked by buzzers to Andrew, Emma, Marianne on 17 Jun 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by somethingrandom97, anon-5559, jamesbiscardi, adrianfear, antoniamcdonnell.
    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Buzzers, nice to see a new name.

      I like playing sport (tennis, squash, golf) and play for local club teams. I also like reading.

      At the moment my wee boy’s really into creepy crawlies so I’m spending a lot of time looking under stones capturing spiders and hunting slugs. I enjoy the time I spend with him.

      How about you? What are your interests?

    • Photo: Andrew Maynard

      Andrew Maynard answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Hi buzzers,

      I read a lot of fiction (I hate text books and get bored by non-fiction!). I’ve just finished re-reading an incredibly good sci-fi book by Iain M Banks called “Look To Windward”

      I also listen to a lot of music – I’m a little fanatical about hj-fi, and used to have a valve amplifier that glowed in the dark (valves were what were used before transistors were invented – really old technology, but they make great amps!).

      When I get the chance – which is rarely these days – I love hill walking. Not too many hills around where I live at the moment though!

    • Photo: Marianne Baker

      Marianne Baker answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Hey buzzers.

      Well, I used to be a big gamer – I wish I had more time to sit down with consoles and mates and play stuff! I still play a bit occasionally, when I have time or people are around.

      I play keyboard, had some lessons when I was at school and try to keep a reasonable (but not amazing by any means) standard.

      I play badminton once a week with my colleagues.

      There’s a cool group of people I like to go to the pub with once or twice a month – we have meetings and speakers, which quite often involves science-based subjects; often a kind of myth-busting. Some damaging movement like the anti-MMR campaign or promoting homeopathy for the treatment of AIDS. We all get together, have someone who’s an authority on the subject give a talk then ask them questions. Whilst getting a little bit drunk. It’s good fun and I’ve met loads of great friends.

      Otherwise I like to go to the cinema; the IMAX in London is only 20mins from my flat by bus, which is awesome!

      … back later, the -80 freezer in our lab is breaking!!
