• Question: Do you beleive there are any other forces or natural resources on planet Earth that we could use?

    Asked by elmo97 on 16 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      Hi elmo97…good question. Yes, lots particularly on other sources of energy. The Ministry of Defence are currently looking at harnessing wind power and we have installed solar power units on some of our establishments (including in Scotland where you wouldn’t think you would get much sunshine!!).

      There is also wave power to consider too. However, with all these sources of alternative power we have to assess what impact harnessing this power would have on the environment. Not all the general public think that wind farms are stunning and they can be noisy and a pain to birds if it is in their main flight path. Wave power can also contribute to the decline of certain wetland areas.

      Therefore, as with everything, if we take from one area, we have to make sure we don’t make an even worse environmental impact in another area:).
