• Question: Can being healthy prevent cancer?

    Asked by shona to Andrew, Emma, Marianne on 16 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Andrew Maynard

      Andrew Maynard answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      Hi shona,

      Keeping healthy can certainly reduce the chances of getting some cancers. But sadly, even health people get cancer – either because they are more likely to get a certain type of cancer, because they were exposed to something that increased their chances (and there’s no way we can avoid stuff that might cause cancer), or due to sheer bad luck.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      Sadly not always…BUT it is important for preventing a lot of cancers. If you don’t smoke, drink excessively, eat a balanced diet (not just red meat) and take some exercise you’re less likely to get most cancers.

      There’s nothing worse than meeting a patient who has a cancer despite doing all the things above. Unfortunately, genes play an important role in cancer development. Some women who have a very strong history of breast cancer in their family actually have both breasts removed because they are so llikely to develop cancer in the future. Life can be very unfair.

    • Photo: Marianne Baker

      Marianne Baker answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      Hey shona,

      Cancer Research UK puts quite a lot of effort into relaying information to the public that concerns health and cancer risk.

      Being obese can increase the risk of many cancers; for women, particularly, breast and uterine cancer.
      So, eating healthily and doing exercise to keep fit is always a good thing – that doesn’t just apply to cancer, but also other diseases.

      Eating good food can also reduce the risk of cancers of the digestive system. Nowadays a lot of food has additives; preservatives, colouring agents – some of which we don’t know the risks of, especially in combination with other things.
      So it’s best to eat less processed food (especially meat) and try to have fresher, minimally-altered foods.

      Leading an all-round healthier lifestyle is often beneficial for your mental health as well as physical health, too!
