• Question: As a child did you love science? Were you good at it?

    Asked by cdrcodor to Andrew, Emma, Marianne on 15 Jun 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by elmo97.
    • Photo: Marianne Baker

      Marianne Baker answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      I loved things about science, sure; as I’ve said before though, science is in just about everything! If you love TV then technically you should also love the science that led to its invention 😉

      Science in schools is more about teaching than doing so I don’t think it’s fair to say that someone is or isn’t “good” at science.

      It’s coming to understand the principle – science is a philosophy, a way of looking at the world to understand it. We didn’t “invent” science (I remember a friend of mine who didn’t like thinking about chemistry saying ‘ugh, who invented science!!’ and I’d get annoyed about that…) – science is just a way of uncovering truth, as I see it.

      I liked learning about some famous scientists like Darwin and how they discovered things that we take for granted now; like genes being passed down.
      I liked seeing how animals were good at living in their environments – we’ve got a pond in the garden and I still love to watch the little world in it.

      I don’t think you need to feel under pressure to be good at science, if you find it at all interesting – we’ve learned loads of things about the world (and beyond) – it’s quite likely that in all those things, there’s something you really find fascinating. If not, at least you’ll understand what’s going on around us a bit better and for me, personally, when I understand something, it’s quite satisfying.

      It doesn’t make it less interesting – moreso in fact!

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      No. I don’t think I really thought about it that much. As a child I loved zoom ice-lollies and Fabs and also playing tennis. I got into science a bit more in senior school but only became really interested at university. I always got good grades but not remarkably good. I probably could’ve worked harder. I think I’m more intuitively good at english and biology. I can be pretty crap at maths but I try and force myself to do it because I think it’s useful day to day.

    • Photo: Emma Pilgrim

      Emma Pilgrim answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      HI. As a child I always loved being outdoors and studying the vast range of insects found in our garden. I have always been interested in the natural world and this is why I went on to study a Biology degree

    • Photo: Andrew Maynard

      Andrew Maynard answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      Hi cdrcodor and elmo97,

      I did. I used to spend hours pouring over natural history books, and books of experiments you could do at home. One of my earliest memories is trying to mend an old radio at playschool with a screwdriver!

      Was I good at it? Not always. But I did tend to be better at science than most other things at school.
